Industry 4.0

PTC Group organizes event on Industry 40 in Aveiro

PTC Group organizes event on Industry 4.0 in Aveiro

PTC Group recently announced that it is organizing an Industry 4.0 event, on the 17th of May, at the Aveiro Business Center, in Aveiro. The event will bring together industry experts and professionals to discuss emerging trends in Industry 4.0 and the impact they will have on businesses and the wider economy.
The technologies that are transforming the automotive industry

The technologies that are transforming the automotive industry

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by new technologies. Electrification, connectivity, driver assistance, autonomous vehicles and advanced manufacturing are some of the technologies that are changing the way vehicles are designed, manufactured and driven.
Current challenges in the areas of Aeronautics, Space and Defense

Current challenges in the areas of Aeronautics, Space and Defense

The concept of the Aeronautics, Space and Defense (ASD) industries is constantly changing and companies need to adapt to this change. There are several challenges that this area faces and we list a few here.

10 myths you need to know about the recruitment process

Due to its globality and evolution, the area of recruitment and selection generates many myths that are taken as truth by many people. Here are some that candidates should keep in mind.
Truths that need to be told about engineering

Truths that need to be told about engineering

Engineering is often seen as an area of study only for math geniuses, but this is far from the truth. Engineering is the science that unites creativity and logic to create solutions for an increasingly technological world.

How training can help improve professional performance

Training has been recognized as one of the main factors for professional development. It allows workers to acquire new skills and knowledge, thus improving their skills to be more successful in their careers.
PME Excelência 2021 PTC Group

PTC Group is PME Excellence 2021

It is with an enormous sense of pride and gratitude that we announce that we are PME Excellence 2021!

PTC Group organizes internal event to talk about IRS

On the 25th of November, the PTC Group hosted the “PTC Tax Meeting” event, which aimed to share knowledge on a theme that is transversal to any citizen residing in Portuguese territory: IRS (Income Tax for Individuals).