
Sarah Otero takes over as Operational Director of PTC Engineering in Spain and Portugal

The CEO of PTC Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Sarah Otero García as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the PTC Engineering division in Spain and Portugal, to accompany this new stage of transformation towards operational excellence in our projects and services. Sarah Otero (Ain-France, 1973) has a significant career in project management, ... Read more

Mara Santos assume o comando da PTC Group no Brasil

Quem é a Mara? Mara é casada e mãe da doce e linda Luiza, de 2 anos. É graduada em Engenharia e possui MBA em Gestão Industrial, pela FGV, MBA Executivo com ênfase em Liderança e Empreendedorismo e certificação como CFO (Chief Financial Officer) pelo Insper. Ao longo de sua carreira de mais de 15 ... Read more

5 technological revolutions in the automotive sector driven by Artificial Intelligence

The year 2023 marked a significant change in the global technological landscape and artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in several sectors, including the automotive industry. In this article, we’ll explore five automotive technologies that are undergoing revolutionary changes driven by AI.
Top 25 professions in 2024: Trends and opportunities in the labour market

Top 25 professions in 2024: Trends and opportunities in the labour market

The professional landscape is constantly changing, driven by technological advances and changes in the market. According to a recent LinkedIn report, the skills required of professionals have increased significantly, indicating the need for constant updating to keep up with the needs of the labour market.
the Best 3D Modelling Software

From Idea to Reality: the Best 3D Modelling Software

Constant technological advances have played a crucial role in many sectors, and 3D modelling stands out as an essential tool for developing innovative projects. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of 3D modelling and present some of the best software available, capable of revolutionising the way we design, visualise and test products and projects.
Martín Rodríguez Mondelo

Nuevo líder para una nueva era en PTC Engineering en España y Portugal

El Consejo de Administración del PTC Group se complace en anunciar el nombramiento de Martín Rodríguez Mondelo como nuevo Director General de la división PTC Engineering en España y Portugal. Este nombramiento marca el inicio de un apasionante viaje de transformación para nuestra compañía.
Martín Rodríguez Mondelo

New Leader for a New Era at PTC Engineering in Spain and Portugal

The Board of Directors of PTC Group is thrilled to announce the appointment of Martín Rodríguez Mondelo as the new CEO of the PTC Engineering division in Spain and Portugal. This appointment marks the beginning of an exciting journey of transformation for our company.
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Inspirational lessons from successful visionaries

The world of entrepreneurship is in the spotlight these days. With the presence of the internet, it’s possible to prosper without the need for large investments, which arouses the interest of those thinking of taking a risk and setting up their own business.
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